Calibre ipad app
Calibre ipad app

It is time that Apple or the App Store take the lead in a market place where regulations are still significantly lagging and either antiquated or inappropriate, in the rapidly changing virtual market place, and develop policies that protect the consumer of their commodities and hold vendors to the usual implied contractual responsibility to their consumers. I am simply disenfranchised by this and so many other applications which in recent times, developers have decided to, Basically take advantage of those who have respectively purchased an application in a market please where virtual commodities seem to imply that the consumer has less rights to propriety subsequent to purchase then in a typical brick and mortar commodities industry. Like the majority of the recent posts and reviews on this app, I am greatly disappointed with the developers decision to go subscription! I have been using calibre library on my laptop, and Calibre companion on my iPad and iPhone for many years having paid for and appreciated it’s simplicity and flexibility.

Calibre ipad app